10 Backup/Restore Lotus Domino / NotesThis chapter will describe in details how to use DiskSave to backup your Lotus Domino server / Notes client 5 / 6 / 6.5 and how you can restore your Lotus Domino server / Notes client 5 / 6 / 6.5 from the backup files.
10.1 Requirements
i. DiskSave must be installed onto the computer running Lotus Domino server / Notes client.
ii. Data from Lotus Domino server / Notes client will be backed up to a temporary directory before they are sent to DiskSave. Please make sure you have sufficient space on your computer to store these data when you run the backup job.
iii. Lotus Domino server must runs with archive transaction logging enabled
To set up transaction logging in archive style, please do the following:
a. Ensure that all databases to be logged reside in the Domino data directory, either at the root or in subdirectories.
b. From the Domino Administrator, click the Configuration tab.
a. In the "Use Directory on" field, choose the server's Domino Directory.
b. Click Server Configuration, and then click Current Server Document.
c. Click the Transactional Logging tab.
d. Complete these fields, and then save the document.
Field Enter Transactional Logging Choose Enabled. The default is Disabled. Log path Path name location of the transaction log.The default path name is \LOGDIR in the Domino data directory, although it is strongly recommended to store the log on a separate, mirrored device, such as a RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) level 0 or 1 device with a dedicated controller.The separate device should have at least 1GB of disk space for the transaction log. If you are using the device solely for storing the transaction log, set the "Use all available space on log device" field to Yes. Maximum log space The maximum size, in MB, for the transaction log.Default is 192MB. Maximum is 4096MB (4GB).Domino formats at least 3 and up to 64 log files, depending on the maximum log space you allocate. Use all available space on log device Choose one:
• Yes to use all available space on the device for the transaction log. This is recommended if you use a separate device dedicated to storing the log. If you choose Yes, you don’t need to enter a value in the "Maximum log space" field.
• No to use the default or specified value in the "Maximum log space" field. Automatic fixup of corrupt databases Choose one:
• Enabled (default). If a database is corrupt and Domino cannot use the transaction log to recover it, Domino runs the Fixup task, assigns a new DBIID, and notifies the administrator that a new database backup is required.
• Disabled. Domino does not run the Fixup task automatically and notifies the administrator to run the Fixup task with the -J parameter on corrupt logged databases. Runtime / Restart performance This field controls how often Domino records a recovery checkpoint in the transaction log, which affects server performance.To record a recovery checkpoint, Domino evaluates each active logged database to determine how many transactions would be necessary to recover each database after a system failure. When Domino completes this evaluation, it:
• Creates a recovery checkpoint record in the transaction log, listing each open database and the starting point transaction needed for recovery
• Forces database changes to be saved to disk if they have not been saved alreadyChoose one:
• Standard (default and recommended). Checkpoints occur regularly.
• Favor runtime. Domino records fewer checkpoints, which requires fewer system resources and improves server run time performance.
• Favor restart recovery time. Domino records more checkpoints, which improves restart recovery time because fewer transactions are required for recovery. Logging style Choose Archive. The default is Circular.
You can only run transaction log backup if you have transaction logging enabled and you are using archive mode. This command does not apply if you have transaction logging enabled not in archive mode or if transaction logging is not enabled at all. If you try to issue it, you will receive an error message.
10.2 OverviewDiskSave will backup your Lotus Domino server / Notes client by taking the following steps:
i. Run all Pre-Commands of this backup set
ii. If the backup type to run is [Database Backup type],
a. all file(s) / database(s) selected are copied to the temporary directory specified by this backup set
b. the notes.ini file, if selected, will be copied to the temporary directory
c. only filled log extents will be copied to the temporary directory, and the Domino server is notified of their availability for reuse (for Domino server only)
iii. (for Domino server only) If the backup type to run is [Transaction Log Backup type],
a. only filled log extents will be copied to the temporary directory, and the Domino server is notified of their availability for reuse
iv. Run all Post-Commands of this backup set
v. Upload all files copied to the temporary directory to the DiskSave
10.3 How to backup Lotus Domino / Notes database(s) / file(s)Please follow the instructions below to backup your Lotus Domino server / Notes client databases / files using DiskSave.
i. Open DiskSave
Right click DiskSave icon available in the system tray and choose [Open]
ii. Create a backup set
a. From the Menu, Choose [Backup Set] -> [New] -> [Lotus Backup Set]
b. Enter a name for your backup set
c. Select the Backup Set Type (Lotus Domino Server Backup / Lotus Notes Client Backup)
e. Enter a temporary location to store the backup files before they are sent to an DiskSave
f. Set the backup schedule for Database Backup
g. Set the backup schedule for Transaction Log Backup (for Domino server only)
(Note: You can have more than one schedule in a backup set, i.e. you can perform intra-day transaction log backup by adding more than one daily transaction log backup schedule to your backup set)
(Hint: For maximum security, please select AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) Algorithm, CBC (Cipher Block Chaining) mode and use an encrypting key with more than 8 characters.)
iii. Run Backup
a. Select the backup set you want to run on the left panel and press the [Start Backup] button (►)
b. Select the backup type (e.g. Database, Transaction Log) you would like to perform (for Domino server only)
c. Select [Off-site Backup Server] to start backing up your files to an DiskSave.
10.4 How to restore Lotus Domino / Notes database(s) / file(s)Please follow the instructions below to restore Lotus Domino server / Notes client database(s) / file(s) from an DiskSave.
i. Install Lotus Domino server / Notes client back to its original folder (if required)
ii. Install DiskSave
Please refer to the [Installation] section for information on how to install DiskSave onto your computer.
iii. Copy LotusMediaRecovery.exe from the bin directory (default to C:\Program Files\DiskSave\bin) to Lotus Domino installation directory (default to C:\Lotus\Domino)
iv. Shutdown Lotus Domino Server
v. If you want to perform a full domino restore (restore all databases and files):
a. Download the backup files to be restored from the DiskSave and save them back to its original location. It includes notes.ini, all backup files from the lotus domino data directory and all archived transaction logs
b. Run LotusMediaRecovery.exe from the Lotus Domino installation directory (e.g. C:\Lotus\Domino\LotusMediaRecovery.exe) and press ‘Y’ to continue.
For example: C:\Lotus\Domino\> LotusMediaRecovery.exe
This will run media recovery for all databases (*.nsf and mail.box) found under the Lotus data directory (e.g. C:\Lotus\Domino\Data). You should see something similar to the screen below.
Media Recovery Example: C:\Lotus\Domino>LotusMediaRecoveryMedia Recovery Utility for Lotus Domino 5.0 or abovePlease make sure that you have done the following:1. Reinstall Lotus Domino on this computer in the same directory2. Restore Notes.ini to the Lotus Domino installation directory(e.g. C:\Lotus\Domino)3. Restore Domino Data directory back to the directory definedin Notes.ini (e.g. C:\Lotus\Domino\Data)4. Restore all archived transaction logs to the directory definedin Notes.ini (e.g. C:\Lotus\Domino\Data\logdir)Continue ? (Y) or (N) yRunning media recovery ...Please wait, creating new transaction logs in directory: C:\logdir\02/12/2003 14:39:19 Recovery Manager: Restart Recovery complete. (0/0databases needed full/partial recovery)Media Recovery Replay (122 MB): 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%02/12/2003 14:39:22 Recovery Manager: Media Recovery complete forC:\Lotus\Domino\Data\admin4.nsf, last update applied .Backup file C:\Lotus\Domino\Data\admin4.nsf recovered.…………Media Recovery Replay (122 MB): 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%02/12/2003 14:40:57 Recovery Manager: Media Recovery complete forC:\Lotus\Domino\Data\statrep.nsf, last update applied .Backup file C:\Lotus\Domino\Data\statrep.nsf recovered.C:\Lotus\Domino>
c. All content of all database(s) are now rolled forward to the last committed transaction found in the last archived transaction log.
d. Restart Lotus Domino server
vi. If you just want to restore a single database:
a. Download the database file to be restored from the DiskSave and save them back to its original location.
b. (optional) If you need to perform media recovery on this database, please download all archived transaction logs and save them back to its original location
c. Run LotusMediaRecovery.exe from the Lotus Domino installation directory with an argument of the full path of database to be restored.
For example, if you want to restore C:\Lotus\Domino\data\admin4.nsf, please run:
C:\Lotus\Domino\> LotusMediaRecovery.exe C:\Lotus\Domino\data\admin4.nsf
You should see something similar to the screen below.
Media Recovery Example: C:\Lotus\Domino>LotusMediaRecovery C:\Lotus\Domino\data\admin4.nsfMedia Recovery Utility for Lotus Domino 5.0 or aboveRunning media recovery ...Restart Analysis (0 MB): 100%02/12/2003 14:42:15 Recovery Manager: Restart Recovery complete. (0/0databases needed full/partial recovery)Media Recovery Replay (122 MB): 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%02/12/2003 14:42:17 Recovery Manager: Media Recovery complete forC:\Lotus\Domino\data\admin4.nsf, last update applied 01/12/2003 00:02:42.Backup file C:\Lotus\Domino\data\admin4.nsf recovered.C:\Lotus\Domino>
d. All content of the database are now rolled forward to the last committed transaction found in the last archived transaction log.
vii. Restart Lotus Domino Server